Lilac Twilight



The Captive

I’ve caged you, though you are immortal:
Unbondable, bow to my will.
I hold you, though you may be stronger
And dream of the day you can kill
And dream of the day you can kill -
You will kill me, yet bow to my will.

You may flee from your cage, not from memories.
You will always remember the shame.
You will know that I once held you prisoner.
And this means I’ll survive just the same.
And this means I’ll survive just the same.
You may flee, but remember my name.

You are clever, but you let me trap you,
and captive I’m holding you still.
I bound you with wits and Cold Iron.
No other did, none ever will.
No other did, none ever will,
but I held, and I’m holding you still.

It is my way of being immortal -
I do not want to die of old age.
Your memory makes me immortal,
for one day, you’ll be breaking your cage.
One day you’ll be breaking your cage -
I am old, but won’t die of old age.

I’ve caged you, though you are immortal:
Unboldable, bow to my will.
I hold you, though you may be stronger
And dream of the day you can kill
And dream of the day you can kill -
You will kill me, yet bow to my will.

Dieses Lied wurde inspiriert durch das Buch »Das Letzte Einhorn« von Peter S. Beagle:
Es ist Mommy Fortunas Wiegenlied für die Harpie

Das Lied mit Akkorden als PDF

Text und Melodie © 2007 by Thesilée
A song based on »The Last Unicorn« by Peter S. Beagle:
It’s Mommy Fortuna’s Lullaby for the Harpy

Download the Song with chords as a PDF-file

tune and lyrics © 2001 by Thesilée

Sprache: Deutsch
Language: English